Friday, February 7, 2014

Wedding Proposal Ideas

Alright guys, have you ever thought of making Valentine's Day the day to propose to your soon to be fiancĂ©?  With the right amount of planning and creativity, you definitely can make your proposal truly unique.  Below are a few ideas that have worked well for now happily married men.

Love of My Life
One nifty idea that an old friend pulled off was taking his girlfriend to a fancy dinner and then had multiple friends bring out one rose at a time. After a number of roses were delivered by their friends, out came a four dozen, over the top, rose arrangement! He then proposed and now they are happily married with two kids.

We had a guy come in asking for an eleven rose arrangement and to add a fake rose to make it one dozen roses. The twelfth "rose" was a ring holder. He had the arrangement delivered and the card said "I will love you until the last rose dies".  He then later proposed to her when she realized that the last rose was a fake and contained a ring.  Very suave.

Let us know if you have any neat ideas for ways of proposing so we can share them with everybody!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tips for Men

Guys: have you ever been in the dog house and had trouble thinking of a way to get out?  Here is my theory: always apologize FIRST (even if you were definitely right...) and then get the conversation moving and let the "healing" begin.  Apology gifts are usually good tool to consider.

We had a hilarious situation happen a few years ago that we always remember and reminisce about.  A guy was attempting to solve his challenge of getting out of the dog house by sending his girlfriend a beautiful and huge arrangement as a make-up apology.  When our delivery driver was walking up to his apartment, he heard "funny" sounds coming from the open door.  He then knocked on the open door knowing this was going to be super awkward. The dude peeked his head over the couch without clothes on and yelled, "Just a moment!" and slammed the door shut.  About a minute later he opened the door while zipping up his pants, and said, "I don't need this anymore, but good timing. She'll love these..." Apparently he did something right.

Flowers are always a way great for apologizing, because what lady doesn't like them?  You can be sure to look like the good guy and get the communication ball rolling.  Keep in mind that flowers also act as a supplementary tool to entice your lady to allow you to get something. Whether it is a new tool, firearm, big screen TV, or something else... just saying.  Keep that in the back of your mind. It is that time of the year you know.